precise medical tools to perform the operation, Knee arthroscopy is considered the safe alternative to open surgery and also contributes to a faster recovery period.

Through the following lines, we will know more about Knee arthroscopy, especially knee arthroscopy meniscectomy, the benefits of knee arthroscopy, knee arthroscopy recovery time and how successful is arthroscopic knee surgery.

All this information is discussed with the orthopedists of the World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC), One of the largest integrated orthopedic centers in the world.

Knee arthroscopy indications:

Knee arthroscopy is used to diagnose and treat many problems in the knee joint, including:

  • Knee cartilage repair or removal (knee arthroscopy meniscectomy)
  • Repair of a torn or damaged cruciate ligament.
  • Removal of Baker’s cyst from the knee joint.
  • Synovectomy.
  • Repair of fractures in the bones of the knee joint.
  • Returning the patella (repetitive kneecap dislocation).

In our orthopedic center, we found many people looking for different types of knee arthroscopy; So let’s talk about them in some detail.

knee arthroscopy meniscectomy 

knee arthroscopy meniscectomy is a type of minimally invasive surgery, which aims to completely or partially remove a torn meniscus.

The steps of knee arthroscopy meniscectomy is depending on several factors, including:

  • The extent of the damage to the knee cartilage.
  • The patient’s age and health status.
  • The ability of cartilage to heal.

This surgery can be done arthroscopically or with conventional surgery, but some severe cartilage tears may need open surgery.

Knee arthroscopy for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a chronic disease, which often arises as a result of the gradual degeneration of the articular cartilage that separates the leg bone (tibia and fibula) and the femur and acts as a cushion that reduces friction between the bones.

People with osteoarthritis suffer from swelling and pain in the knee joint, and this pain increases and becomes severe when the joint is moved after it has been inactive for a period of time, as well as the patient suffers from hearing a crackling sound when moving the affected knee joint.

In the beginning, the treatment of Osteoarthritis is through drug, conservative, and physiotherapy treatments, but when these treatments do not give satisfactory results to the patient, knee arthroscopy is the best solution to alleviate this pain.

benefits of knee arthroscopy 

Knee arthroscopy is a simple and safe procedure that greatly helps the patient, and enables us to take many steps in patient treatment easily and without any side effects.

  • Knee arthroscopy is used to diagnose problems in the knee joint , such as tears or damage to the knee cartilage.
  • We can also perform the necessary surgery required to treat various problems that affect the cartilage of the knee in particular, and the knee joint, in general, using a knee arthroscope without the need to make large surgical incisions.

How do you prepare for knee arthroscopy?

Before performing the knee arthroscopy, there are a number of important steps that must be done; This is to ensure that the patient is ready for the surgery, including:

  • Performing various blood tests such as complete blood count, blood clotting analysis, and other tests.
  • Your doctor may need to perform an X-ray of the knee joint or other medical imaging techniques.
  • The doctor must be informed of the medications of the patient, as it is possible to stop one of these medications before the operation, especially aspirin.
  • Stop smoking at least two weeks before the procedure.
  • Refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the procedure may be required.

This step helps the orthopedist to achieve a high success rate in the procedure and also following the instructions of the orthopedist before the surgery can accelerate knee arthroscopy recovery time.

knee arthroscopy surgery:

The knee arthroscopy doesn’t require much time, as the duration of the operation may range from one to three hours, and the surgery is done within the following steps:

  • In most cases, the patient is subjected to general anesthesia, and it is possible to use local anesthesia, depending on the type of procedure followed, as well as the choice of the orthopedist and the patient’s general health condition.
  • Small incisions are made in the knee joint area.
  • The arthroscope and other medical instruments are inserted into the knee joint via these incisions, and the problems of the knee are explored from the inside by the camera that is located at the end of the arthroscopy.
  • The surgeon inserts other tools that are necessary to perform the surgery and treat the problem of the knee joint.
  • After the necessary steps are done, the arthroscope and surgical tools are taken out, the incisions are closed, and an elastic medical bandage is placed around the knee joint.

After knee arthroscopy surgeries:

In the first days after the knee arthroscopy, the patient will feel some moderate pain, and it can be overcome through the following:

  • Take a period of rest with your feet elevated.
  • Putting ice packs on the bandage and the area around the knee joint will greatly reduce the swelling and the patient’s feeling of pain.
  • Take the painkiller medication that the doctor will prescribe for the patient at the specified times.
  • In the event of any other symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation

The most important thing that the patient asks about after performing the knee arthroscopy is knee arthroscopy recovery time.

physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises aim for accelerating recovery time, in addition to restoring strength and movement to the knee joint.

But the rehabilitation program must be prepared according to the needs of each patient, and this is always provided by the physical therapist in World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC), as it is an integrated medical center that provides orthopedic surgery and physiotherapy services, this enables us to be a partner for the patient in all stages of treatment until full recovery.

knee arthroscopy recovery time + crutches

knee arthroscopy recovery time differs according to the type of procedure done, but usually, the patients have to use crutches for 2-7 days after surgery and avoid heavy work or sports for 4-6 weeks.

Within 2 weeks patient may return to a low range of motion by using crutches also and can drive within 4-6 weeks but returning to heavy activities and sports may require 3-6 months after knee arthroscopy.

How successful is arthroscopic knee surgery?

Using an arthroscope in knee surgery can elevate the success rate to more than 90%, but the success rate of any surgical procedure depends on the experience of the surgeon and using a mostly advanced surgical instrument.

knee arthroscopy cost 

In fact, it is not possible to mention a specific and fixed price that would be the cost of knee arthroscopy in Egypt; But all over the world, the knee arthroscopy cost is ranged from $5,700 to $23,650. 

there are a number of factors that determine the knee arthroscopy cost, including:

  • The type of knee injury, and the procedures required for his treatment.
  • The patient’s general health condition. 
  • The cost of the medical examinations required before performing knee arthroscopy.
  • Cost of anesthesia and tools used in the procedure.

For more information about the knee arthroscopy cost in Egypt, you can contact World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC),  and you will be answered all your questions as soon as possible.