Shoulder joints may expose to damage because of several factors like arthritis or fracture and others, the orthopedists may recommend treatment with drugs, physical therapy, and local injection in some cases.

But sometimes this treatment options is not enough to relieve the pain, and the patient has to undergo Shoulder replacement surgery.

Shoulder joint replacement surgery is one of the services provided by the World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC), a comprehensive orthopedic medical center that provides surgical treatment in addition to physiotherapy treatment, Let’s know more together about the causes, steps, and results of shoulder replacement surgery through the following lines.

indications of shoulder replacement surgery

Severe damage to the shoulder joint may occur due to such factors:

  • Acute arthritis.
  • Exposure to a serious injury to the shoulder joint, such as a direct fracture of the bones of the shoulder joint.
  • A severe tear in the rotator cuff (the group of tendons and muscles that surround the shoulder joint).
  • Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis), which occurs as a result of a lack of blood supply to the humerus, which leads to the death of bone tissue in the area of ​​​​the shoulder joint.

What is shoulder replacement surgery?

Shoulder replacement surgery is a medical procedure used to eliminate severe pain and soreness in the shoulder joint or repair the dysfunction of the shoulder joint, it’s performed by replacing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint (ball or socket)  with other artificial parts.

latest advances in shoulder replacement surgery 

There are 3 types of shoulder replacement surgery, and the appropriate type for the patient is determined based on the extent of the damage to the shoulder joint. 

Shoulder replacement surgeries are classified into:

  • Total shoulder replacement surgery: in this type the surgeon change both the humeral head (the joint ball) and the glenoid socket (joint socket).
  • Partial shoulder replacement surgery: in this type, the surgeon changes the damaged joint ball only, and it is replaced with another ball of metal.
  • Reverse shoulder replacement:  in this type, the socket and metal ball are switched in position, It is a more accurate procedure, which is resorted to if other shoulder replacement surgeries fail.

Shoulder replacement surgery – all details

Shoulder replacement surgery is one of the most successful orthopedic surgery – but when we talk about what is the success rate of shoulder replacement surgery, we found it depend on many factors most important of them, following the instructions of the physician before and after the surgery.

Preparations before shoulder joint replacement surgery

  • Physical examination and knowledge of the patient’s medical history.
  • knowing the medications that the patient is taking must be known to the doctor, as he may need to stop one of these medications before surgery, especially aspirin.
  • Performing various medical tests as:
  1. blood tests such as: complete blood count (CBC), blood clotting analysis, and other laboratory tests.
  2. An electrocardiogram (ECG).
  3. X-ray examination of the shoulder joint
  4. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • The patient is advised to stop food and drinking for at least 8 hours before the shoulder replacement surgery.
  • You must also stop smoking for a period of no less than two weeks before the surgery.

Shoulder replacement surgery – steps of surgery

Shoulder replacement surgery usually takes two to three hours, and is performed according to the following steps:

  • Mostly, the patient is subjected to general anesthesia, and sometimes the orthopedist may use anesthesia nerve block.
  • Making an incision in the shoulder joint that allows the doctor to perform the surgery.
  • Removing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint, and replacing them with artificial parts.
  • Checking the correct movement of the shoulder joint in all directions.
  • Closing the incision and placing medical dressings on it.

World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC) has a medical team of the most qualified orthopedist in Egypt & United Kingdom, those orthopedists have high experience in shoulder replacement surgery which help them to achieve a high success rate.

instructions after shoulder joint replacement surgery

  1. Start physical therapy after the surgery, as it can help you improve the mobility of your shoulder and to keep your shoulder muscles strong which helps in fast recovery.
  2. be careful of the incision and keep it clean and covered.
  3. Take the prescribed medication on the time.
  4. Follow all physician instructions and avoid hard work and strong shoulder movement.

World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC) is an integrated orthopedic center, that provides surgical and physiotherapy treatment, we are with you stage by stage from the beginning of treatment to full recovery.

Contact us now if you suffer from shoulder joint pain and have any questions about shoulder replacement surgery.

shoulder replacement surgery recovery time

Shoulder replacement surgery recovery time is varied according to the type of surgery (complete or partial shoulder replacement) but in general, it may take 2-3 weeks to return to your work and light activities, but you have to avoid certain movements, such as arms lifting strongly.

Complete recovery may take about 3-6 months after surgery, and also after complete recovery, there are permanent restrictions after shoulder replacement like using your shoulder in different athletics.

what is the success rate of shoulder replacement surgery?

Shoulder replacement surgery helps a lot of people to return to their normal life and activities without feeling pain, and it has a success rate  up to 90%.

But for achieving this high success rate you should follow all physician instructions either before or after the surgery.

Shoulder replacement surgery price in Egypt

In fact, there is a difference in the prices of shoulder replacement surgery between medical centers, and this difference mainly depends on the patient’s state of Health and the degree of damage to the shoulder joint.

There are other factors, the most important of which are:

  • The cost of the medical examinations required before undergoing shoulder replacement surgery.
  • The level of health care provided by the medical center or hospital.
  • Cost of anesthesia and tools used in the surgery.

For more information about the price of shoulder replacement surgery price in Egypt, you can contact World Orthopedic Specialist Center (WOSC) and you will be answered as soon as possible.